1.A plane takes tourists on an eco-safari over the Okavango Delta in Botswana.The Okavango River begins 1,600 kilometres to the north.Most rivers go to the sea,but the Okavango ends in the Kalahari Desert!The delta covers 17,000 square kilometres and it's the largest inland delta in the world.It's called a delta because the river ends in many smaller rivers and lakes. 2.People and animals depend on the water of the Okavango.Both men and women go fishing in the delta.Men go out on boats and use nets.Women make baskets from palm leaves and they put the baskets underwater.Then the children chase the fish into the baskets.
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about 15 years ago
2.Ludzia i zwierzeta zalezało na wodzie Okavango. Ale mezczyzni i kobiety chodzili łowic w delcie. Merzczycni uzywali łódek i zarzucali sieci rybackie. Kobiety robiły koszyki z lisci palmy i wkladaly koszyki pod wode. dzieci łowiły ryby do koszyków
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