Bardzo prosze o pomoc w napisaniu listu :) Napisz list do kolegi którego wcześniej zaprosiłeś na ferie zimowe. 1. przeproś ze nie odbierzesz go z dworca/lotniska podjąć powód 2. Wyjaśnij jak z dworca dostać się do domu i ile zabiera to czasu 3. Zaproponuj 2 formy spędziania wolnego czasu w Polsce. 4. Podaj jakie rzeczy powinien zabrac ze sobą i wyraź radość z przyjazdu (ze spotkania) W języku angielskim od 120-150 słów
1 answer
Data,Miejsowośc Dear Tom, I want to cordially apologize you for me, but I won`t to come to the airport next week. I hope you won`t be angry. I must go to my new job and my mother is going to arrive for you and she takes you to our home in Wroclaw. You will drive by car and after 2 hours we should see together in our cafeteria. To everyone disbeliefe I have a little surprise for you. Whatsmore my friends make the party to welcome you in Poland. I think that we will have the great time because in our town are many discos and cafeterias with special, friendly atmosphere. We would go to old market too. In my city are many attractions, you will never be bored there! My family are absolutely cheerful that you arrive, so you have to take with you the beaming smile and good weather! This holiday will be perfect! I extremly expect you, best wishes Podpis
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