
proszę o zrobienie paru zadań z języka angielskiego z czasu present perfect simple . zadania sa bardzo krótkie wystarczy tylko powpisywać odpowiednia formę ;) wiec za dużo się nie napiszecie a i mi przy okazji pomożecie ;) zad1. napisz pytania do podanych odpowiedzi . 1'.where ....................................?' 'Our children have gone on a camp Brighton' 2.'What ....................................................?' I have ordered a wonderful necklace for my wife . 3.'How much ...............................................?' 'Mr Downey has paid two hundreds for the tickets' 4.'how long..............................................?' 'Jake and Monica hace know each other for two years ' 5.'how long ....................................?' 'adam has steyed abroad for seven weeks now' 6.'what ..........................................?' 'elisabeth has bought a pullover for her mother' 7.'Since when ......................................?' 'I have had a new computer since March 8.'How long ..........................................?' 'My parents have been married for about thirty years ' zad2. napisz zdania przeczace korzystając z podanych czasowników : (eat lunch , got out , read , spend,wash) 1.Mr Vavies is very hyngry .He ............................. 2.Vicku is still at home .She.............................. 3.My troseres are dirty .I.................................... 4.We still have the money .We ............................. 5.You don't know the story .You ................................... zad3. napisz pelne odpowiedzi do pytan . 1.have you ever eaten pizza >? 2.have you ever driven a lorry ? 3.have you ever seen a ghost ? zad4. napisz krotkie odpowiedzi 1.has John every travelled abroad ? No ....... 2.has it ever snowed in Africa ? yes ......... 3.has Mr Grey repaired his car yet ? no ........... 4.have you watched the film twice ? yes ......... 5.has eva changed her job recently ? yes ,...... 6.have they lived together since 1993 ? yes ...... 7.kave the Asleys every visited you ? no ...... 8.has Micheal just started studying. ? yes ..... 9.have you been to Greece yet ? no .......... 10.has the dog every bitten anyone ? no ........

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Odpowiedzi: 2

about 15 years ago

z. 1 1. Where have your children gone to a camp? 2. What have you ordered for your wife? 3. How much has mr Downey paid for the tickets? 4. How long have Jake and MOnica known each other? 5. How long has Adam stayed abroad? 6. What has Elizabeth bought for her mother? 7. Since when have you had a new computer? 8. How long have your parents been married?


Talented Odpowiedzi: 49 0 people got help
about 15 years ago

1'.where have your gone on a camp ?' 'Our children have gone on a camp Brighton' 2.'What have you ordered for your wife?' I have ordered a wonderful necklace for my wife . 3.'How much hasMr Downey paid for the tickets?' 'Mr Downey has paid two hundreds for the tickets' 4.'how long have Jake and Monica known each other?' 'Jake and Monica hace know each other for two years ' 5.'how long has Adam stayed abroad?' 'adam has steyed abroad for seven weeks now' 6.'what has elisabeth bought for her mother?' 'elisabeth has bought a pullover for her mother' 7.'Since when have you had a new computer?' 'I have had a new computer since March 8.'How long have yourparents been married?' 'My parents have been married for about thirty years ' zad2. napisz zdania przeczace korzystając z podanych czasowników : (eat lunch , got out , read , spend,wash) 1.Mr Vavies is very hyngry .He hasn't eaten lunch 2.Vicky is still at home .She hasn't gotten out yet. 3.My trouseres are dirty .I haven't washed them. 4.We still have the money .We haven't spend them. 5.You don't know the story .You haven't read the book. zad3. napisz pelne odpowiedzi do pytan . 1.have you ever eaten pizza >? No,I have never eaten pizza. 2.have you ever driven a lorry ? Yes,I have driven a lorry. 3.have you ever seen a ghost ? No, I have never seen a ghost. zad4. napisz krotkie odpowiedzi 1.has John every travelled abroad ? No he hasn't 2.has it ever snowed in Africa ? yes it has 3.has Mr Grey repaired his car yet ? no he hasn't 4.have you watched the film twice ? yes I have 5.has eva changed her job recently ? yes ,she has 6.have they lived together since 1993 ? yes they have 7.have the Asleys every visited you ? no they haven't 8.has Micheal just started studying. ? yes he has 9.have you been to Greece yet ? no I haven't 10.has the dog every bitten anyone ? no it hasn't


Talented Odpowiedzi: 44 0 people got help

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