Czesc potrzebuje waszej pomocy do napisania e-maila Wkrotce planujesz wyjazd do Wielkiej Brytani w internecie znalazles interesujace ogloszenie dotyczace wynajmu mieszkania. Napisz krotki e-mail do osoby ktora zamiescila ogloszenie. W e-mailu musi byc zawate: - okresl termin swojego przyjazdu do Wielkiej Brytani - podaj na jak dlugo chcialbys wynajac to mieszkanie - zapytaj o szczegoly dotyczace wyposazenia mieszkania -popros o pomoc w znalezieniu wpollokatora ze wzgledu na koszty.
1 answer
Hi, I'm flying to England soon and I found your advertisement in the Internet about renting the flat. I will arrive on June, 27. I would like to rent the flat for two months, if it's possible. Are there furniture? I'm asking because I must know what to bring with me. Is there the fridge in the kitchen? Is the bathroom well equipped? There is one more thing. I would like you to ask for help. Do you know any other men who would want to be my roommate? I'm asking because of costs. I'm a student now, so it's not so easy for me to earn for living. Hop you'll write soon, (podpis)
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