ANGIELSKI napisz email z wakacji od 50 słów do 80 słów pytania ,które musi zawierać tekst? Where are you staying - gdzie przebywasz , gdzie nocujesz? who are you with - z kim jesteś? what's the weather like - jaka jest pogoda? What are you and your family/friends doing - co robicie? what do you do in the evenings - co robisz wieczorami? What are you doing tomorrow - jakie masz plany na jutro?

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1 answer

about 13 years ago

Hi Kate, I am in holiday and I'm having great time here. I spend holiday in France- pretty city with fantastic attractions. I'm there with my parents and sister. The weather is really cool, today it's sunny and hot. We're visiting a lot of places, yesterday we were on Eiffel Tower, today we are going on Côte d'Azur. In the evenings I goes to restaurant and I meet with friends in a hotel. Tomorrow I'm backing home. See you soon. Kasia


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