
1.Przeczytaj tekst. Spośród podanych wyrazów (A-F)wybierz właściwe, poprawne pod względem gramatycznym i leksykalnym, uzupełnienie luk (1-3). A) annoyed B) going C) difficulties D) worried E) taking F) problems Exercise is one of the best ways to keep your mind and body healthy. It produces chemicals in the body that make you feel relaxed and improve your mood. Unfortunately, however, health experts are 1)......... that children are not getting enough exercise and could be at risk of health 2)......... later in life. If you are not getting enough exercise, the time to start is now. Why not begin by 3)......... a short bike ride, walking the dog, or going for a swim? 2. Wstaw: newest, sports, live, extreme, latest, catch, take, enthusiasts, sense, finishing. 1. a............... of freedom 2. to.................. on the edge 3. ..................... information 4. ......................... methods 5. ..................... sports 6. ...................... line 7. to........ the biggest waves 8. ............. stars 9. to.......... a look at 10. windsurfing................ Daje najj...... :) :)

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1 answer

about 12 years ago

Zad 1 1)D 2)F 3)E Zad 2) 1)sense 2)live 3)latest 4)newest 5)extreme 6)finishing 7)catch 8)sports 9)take 10)enthusiasts


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