
Drogi Św. Mikołaju! Nazywam się Ola Nowak.Mieszkam w Krakowie, na ul.Kościuskowskiej 6. Mam 16 lat.Cały rok starałam sie byc dobra.Sluchalam rodzicow, pomagałam innym. Czasem bywalam niegrzeczna, ale kazdy popelnia w zyciu bledy. Zbliżaja sie Mikołajki dlatego pisze doświetgo list. Nie chcialabym prosic o zbyt wiele, poniewaz wiem ze musisz spelnic zyczenia dzieci z calego swiata. Prosze tylko aby moja siotra Aska sie zmienila.Jest bardzo zla, dokucza innym, pyskuje i nie ma szacunku do nikogo. Prosze aby Mikolaj podarowal jej odrobine dobra, zeby nauczyla sie byc lepszeym czlowiekiem. Ja niczego wiecej nie potrzebuje.Pragne tylko by moja siostra Aska sie zmienila. Jesli spelnisz Mikołaju moje zyczenie bede Ci bardzo wdzieczna. Bede czekac i oczekiwac na spelnienie mego zyczenia. Mam nadzieje ze zasluguje na to. Z powazaniem Ola

+0 pkt.

Odpowiedzi: 9

about 15 years ago

Św roads. Mikołaj! I am called Ola Nowak.Mieszkam in Cracow, on the Rd of Kościuskowska 6. I have 16 lat.Ca ły year try sie byc dobra.Sluchalam rodzicow, I helped other. With time bywalam rude, but kazdy popelnia in zyciu bledy. Zbliżaja sie chocolate Father Christmas Clauses therefore is writing doświetgo letter. Not chcialabym prosic about too much, poniewaz I know around you must spelnic zyczenia children around calego swiata. Prosze only in order to my siotra female ace sie zmienila.Jest very zla, is teasing other, he is mouthing off and he has respect to nobody. Prosze in order to Mikolaj podarowal for her odrobine okay, zeby nauczyla sie byc lepszeym czlowiekiem. I of nothing wiecej not potrzebuje.Pragne only in order to my sister female ace sie zmienila. Jesli spelnisz Mikołaj my zyczenie bede for you very wdzieczna. Bede czekac and oczekiwac on spelnienie my zyczenia. I am having high hopes around zasluguje to it. Around powazaniem Ola


Newbie Odpowiedzi: 3 0 people got help
about 15 years ago

Dear Santa Clous My name is Ola Nowak. I live in Cracow at st. Kościuszkowskiej 6. I am 16 years old. I have tried all year to be polite. I listened my parents and i helped them. Sometimes i was rude but everyone make mistakes. The are coming that's why i am writting this letter. I don't want to ask for much because i know that you have fit wishes child from all over the world. i am begging you for change my sister Asia. She is very unpolite, she bullys others she answer back and she hasn't any respect for other people. i am begging that Santa will receive her a little goodness that she will learn how to be a good human. I don't want anything else. i just want that my sister will get change. If you fit it i will be gratefull. I will be waiting for make my wish come true. I hope I deserves this. your faithfully Ola


Intermediate Odpowiedzi: 93 0 people got help
about 15 years ago

wejdz na stronę http://www.translate.pl/


Skilled Odpowiedzi: 63 0 people got help
about 15 years ago

ta strona www. translate.pl nie zawsze dobrze tłumaczy ^^ z doświadczenia wiem bo już się na niej przejechałam


Intermediate Odpowiedzi: 93 0 people got help
about 15 years ago

Drogi Św. Mikołaju! Dear Santa Claus. My name is Ola Nowak. I live in Krakow on Kościuszkowiska 6 street. I have 16 years old. I tried all year to be good. I listened my parents, I helped also peoples. Sometimes I was angry but everyone make mistakes. Father Christmas Clauses are coming that's why I'm writting letter to Saint. I don't want pleased for much, because I know that you have fit wishes child from all over the world. I am begging you only for change my sister Asia. She is very unpolite, she bullys others she answer back and she hasn't any respect for other people. i am begging that Santa will receive her a little goodness that she will learn how to be a good human. I don't want anything else. i just want that my sister will get change. If you fit it i will be gratefull. I will be waiting for make my wish come true. I hope I deserves this. your faithfully Ola


Expert Odpowiedzi: 959 0 people got help
about 15 years ago

Dear St. Nicholas! My name is Ola Nowak.I live in Cracow, ul.Kościuszkowskiej 6 street.I am 16 years lat.Cały tried to be a dobra.Sluchalam parents, I helped others. Sometimes I have been rude, but every commit mistakes in life. Approaching Mikolajki because doświetgo by letter. I would like to not ask for too much, because I know you have to fulfill the wishes of children from around the world. Please just make my siotra Aska August zmienila.Jest very evil, hurts others, pyskuje and no respect for anyone. Please Nicolaus gave her that little bit good, so lepszeym taught to be a man. I am nothing more potrzebuje.Pragne not only to my sister, Aska has changed. If Nicholas fulfill my wish I will very ungrateful. I shall wait and wait on the fulfillment of my wishes. I hope that they deserve it.


Seasoned Odpowiedzi: 155 0 people got help
about 15 years ago

Yours sincerely Ola


Seasoned Odpowiedzi: 155 0 people got help
about 15 years ago

Dear St. Nicholas! My name is Ola Nowak.Live in Cracow, ul.Kościuskowskiej 6 I am 16 years . Wholetried to be a good.I listened parents, I helped others. Sometimes I have been sources, but every commit mistakes in life. Approaching Nicholas ki because to St.by letter. I would like to not ask for too much, because I know you have to fulfill the wishes of children from around the world. Please just make my sister Aska August changed.Is very evil, hurts others, Muzzle loves and no respect for anyone. Please Nicolaus gave her that little bit good, so better taught to be a man. I am nothing more needs.Pragne not only to my sister, Aska has changed. If Nicholas fulfill my wish I will very ungrateful. I shall wait and wait on the fulfillment of my wishes. I hope that they deserve it. Yours sincerely Ola:))


Experienced Odpowiedzi: 288 0 people got help
about 15 years ago

Dear St. Nicholas! My name is Ola Smith. I live in Cracow, ul.Kościuskowskiej 6 I am 16 years old. I tried all year to be good. I listened to parents, I helped others. Sometimes I have been rude, but every commit mistakes in life. Approaching Mikolajki because doświetgo by letter. I would like to not ask for too much, because I know you have to fulfill the wishes of children from around the world. Please just make my siotra Aska changed. It is very evil, hurts others, pyskuje and no respect for anyone. Please Nicolaus gave her that little bit good, taught that to be a better man. I do not need anything more. I wish only that my sister Aska changed. If Nicholas fulfill my wish I will very ungrateful. I shall wait and wait on the fulfillment of my wishes. I hope that they deserve it. Yours sincerely Ola.


Expert Odpowiedzi: 1198 0 people got help

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