
Chcesz zaprosic kolege/kolezanke z Irlandii do odwiedzenia cię w Polsce. Napisz zaproszenie w którym: *przedstawisz swój pomysł spotkania, *zasugerujesz możliwy termin odwiedzin, *opiszesz warunki mieszkaniowe które możesz zapewnic koledze/kolezance, *zaproponujesz w jaki sposób moglibyście spędzić wspólnie czas.

+0 pkt.

1 answer

about 10 years ago

Hello, Alison! How are you doing? I hope you're well. I'm writing to you in order to invite you to come to Poland. I'd love to see you again, so I thought you could come here and visit me. It would be best for you if you came by plane, so I'd pick you from the airport. You could live by me and my family, we've got a one family house. We have a special spare room here where you could sleep and do anything you want, it would be your own room for some time. I've got so many ideas how to spend the time togeher! We could go for some trips to interesting places, go shopping or to the galleires, I'd teach you some funny games that we could play and I would get to know you with my closest friends. It would be just fantastic if you could come to me next winter holidays, it's in January. Please, write me back soon what you think of it! All the best, XYZ


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