
Gateway 1 Workbook Zad.6/str.22 Przeczytaj zdania i wybierz prawidłowe odpowiedzi. 1)I love speaking a/the/0 foreign language. A/The/0 language I prefer is Italian. 2)Her sister lives in a/the/0 hot city. A/The/0 city is called Thessalonica, in Greece. 3)They have a/the/0 dinner with friends on a/the/0 Tuesday. 4)We don't go to a/the/0 church at a/the/0 weekend. 5)Do you play a/the/0 guitar? Yes, a/the/0 new guitar I've got is great! 6)Their dog sleeps under a/the/0 kitchen table at a/the/0 night.

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