Na wstępie chcę wam bardzo podziękować za gościnę.Będąc w Londynie zwiedziłam mnóstwo pięknych miejsc i wspaniałych budowli.Największe wrażenie zrobiła na mnie ogromna wieża z zegarem(Big Ben) oraz dwie bliźniacze wieże(Tower Bridge).Moim zdaniem są to największe atrakcje turystyczne miasta i myślę, że warto je zobaczyć. Są na prawdę piękne! Chcę się z wami także podzielić tym, że będąc w Londynie bardzo poprawiła się moja wymowa w języku angielskim oraz mój akcent z czego jestem bardzo zadowolona. Piszę do was także dlatego, by zaprosić was do mojego domu ponieważ chciałabym pokazać wam piękne miejsca w Polsce. Warto je zobaczyć! Czekam na odpowiedź
Odpowiedzi: 12
na kiedy to chcesz?:)
"Tłumaczenie listu z ang. na polski." ??? Przecież ten list jest po polsku...
Wiem..pomyliłam sie...;/;/
To start with I really want to thank you for your welcoming reception. In London I have visted lots of lovely places and wonderful monuments. I was most impressed by huge tower with a clock - the Big Ben and and twin towers- the Tower Bridge.In my opinion they are the best turistic atractions of the town and I think they are worth seeing. They are really gorgous! I also wanted to say that thanks to my visit in London my english and my stress are much better now and I'm very pleased about it. And there is one more reason I'm writting to you. It would be great to meet you again so I'm happy to invite you to my home. I really want to show you all the most beautiful places in Poland. It's worth to see them and I'll promise you won't be disappointed! I'm looking forward to hear from you!!! na pewno jest dobrze ;)
To start with I really want to thank you for your welcoming reception. In London I have visted lots of lovely places and wonderful monuments. I was most impressed by huge tower with a clock - the Big Ben and and twin towers- the Tower Bridge.In my opinion they are the best turistic atractions of the town and I think they are worth seeing. They are really gorgous! I also wanted to say that thanks to my visit in London my english and my stress are much better now and I'm very pleased about it. And there is one more reason I'm writting to you. It would be great to meet you again so I'm happy to invite you to my home. I really want to show you all the most beautiful places in Poland. It's worth to see them and I'll promise you won't be disappointed! I'm looking forward to hear from you!!!
I first of all want you very to thank for hospitality.Being in London I toured the lots of beautiful places and splendid buildings.Huge tower made on me the largest impression from clock(Big Ben) as well as two identical towers(Tower Bridge).They are my sentence this the largest attractions touristic cities and I think, it that was it been proper it to see. They are on truth beautiful! I want oneself with you to divide with this also, that being in London very my pronunciation improved in English language as well as I am my accent from what satisfied very. I write to you also therefore, to to invite you to my house because I would like to show you in Poland beautiful places. It is proper it to see!
I first of all want you very to thank for hospitality.Being in London I toured the lots of beautiful places and splendid buildings.Huge tower made on me the largest impression from clock(Big Ben) as well as two identical towers(Tower Bridge).They are my sentence this the largest attractions touristic cities and I think, it that was it been proper it to see. They are on truth beautiful! I want oneself with you to divide with this also, that being in London very my pronunciation improved in English language as well as I am my accent from what satisfied very. I write to you also therefore, to to invite you to my house because I would like to show you in Poland beautiful places. It is proper it to see! I wait on answer
Na wstępie chcę wam mnóstwo pięknych bardzo podziękować za gościnę.Będąc w Londynie zwiedziłam miejsc i wspaniałych budowli.Największe wrażenie zrobiła na mnie ogromna wieża z Zegarem (Wawel), Dwie Wieże oraz art bliźniacze (Tower Bridge). Są Moim zdaniem na największe atrakcje turystyczne miasta I Myślę, że warto je zobaczyć. Są na prawdę piękne! Chcę się z Wami podzielić Także Tym, Że będąc w Londynie bardzo poprawiła się moja wymowa in english oraz art w polskim mój akcent z czego jestem bardzo zadowolona. Piszę do was Także dlatego, by zaprosić was do mojego domu ponieważ Chciałabym pokazać wam piękne miejsca w Polsce. Warto je zobaczyć! Czekam na odpowiedź
At the outset I want to thank you very much for gościnę.Będąc in London, visited many beautiful places and wonderful budowli.Największe impressed by a huge clock tower (Big Ben) and two twin towers (Tower Bridge). I think they are the biggest tourist attractions and I think they are worth seeing. They are really beautiful! I want to share with you the fact that while in London a very improved my pronunciation in English and my accent and I am very pleased. I am writing to you also because, to invite you to my house because I would like to show you the beautiful places in Poland. It is worth seeing! Waiting for reply Przepraszam ze wkleiłam nie przetłumaczone:D
At the outset I want to thank you very much for gościnę.Będąc in London, visited many beautiful places and wonderful budowli.Największe impressed by a huge clock tower (Big Ben) and two twin towers (Tower Bridge). I think they are the biggest tourist attractions and I think they are worth seeing. They are really beautiful! I want to share with you the fact that while in London a very improved my pronunciation in English and my accent and I am very pleased. I am writing to you also because, to invite you to my house because I would like to show you the beautiful places in Poland. It is worth seeing! Waiting for reply jak będzie coś po polsku to sprawdź sobie w słowniku bo nie wiedziałem tego... proszę o troche punkcików xD
I first of all want you very to thank for hospitality.Being in London I toured the lots of beautiful places and splendid buildings.Huge tower made on me the largest impression from clock(Big Ben) as well as two identical towers(Tower Bridge).They are my sentence this the largest attractions touristic cities and I think, it that was it been proper it to see. They are on truth beautiful! I want oneself with you to divide with this also, that being in London very my pronunciation improved in English language as well as I am my accent from what satisfied very. I write to you also therefore, to to invite you to my house because I would like to show you in Poland beautiful places. It is proper it to see! I wait on answer
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