
wypowiedz się o zagrożeniach społecznych XX wieku opisz najbardziej niepokojąca cie kwestie po angielsku? 120-150 słów. WAŻNE!!!!1

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1 answer

about 8 years ago

The most serious problems of the modern world are: disproportions in economic development, social inequalities, overpopulation and migration flows, civilization backwardness and environmental degradation. These are problems on a global scale, require cooperation of the whole international community. Opportunities for humanity should be seen in the possibilities of social development, generated by scientific and technical progress, the penetration of cultures, social movements and integration processes. Demographic and food problems Statisticians have been threatening years of demographic explosion: 150 years ago there were just over a billion people in the world, 50 years ago - 2.5 billion and now - over 6 billion. Is it overpopulated? For a number of years we have seen slower growth in food production than world population growth. Could it be that T. Malthus' gloomy projections (1766-1834) that the population will grow in geometric progress and food in arithmetical progress? Of course, the views of this demographer and economist have awakened and are still emotionally stirring, controversial and debatable today. As is well known, overpopulation concerns underdeveloped countries, where over three quarters of the world's population live. Where natural growth is highest, reaching up to 3-4%. annually. Overcrowding in these countries is a major obstacle to economic development. The growing world population increases the demand for food. In this densely populated region of the Third World. Agriculture in these countries is backward: employs 60-70%. The total population; The work is inefficient, because the techniques used, tools and resources are primitive, not to mention the drought that particularly affects these countries. Thanks to food surpluses in North America, Australia and Western Europe, the world food market is close to equilibrium. However, it is regrettable to note that despite the overproduction of food in these countries, there is still hunger in the area of ​​50-70%. Our globe. The food aid provided by the most developed countries to the poorest countries is significant but far too small. In turn, the limited capacity of these countries - food importers - makes it impossible for them to import enough. Ironically, the Third World countries, where a large part of the population is starving, export food to countries with surplus food. The funds from the export of food are used not only for the import of food and capital goods but also for reinforcement. According to UN data, the highest rate of increase in armaments expenditure is noted by Asian and African countries suffering from huge economic problems.


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