
Zadanie: 1.Complete the sentences with the past simple or the past continous form of the verb in brackets. 1.While my grandmother............(study) to be a doctor,she also...........(work) as a waitress in a restaurant in Sydney. 2.One day,she .............(work) in the restaurant when three doctors from the hospital............(come) in and asked for a table. 3.While they............(order) their meal,one of the doctors said that he............(celebrate) his birthday. 4.That day,in the restaurant ,he.............(watch) her all the time while she...........(serve) the custormes. 5.At the end of the meal,my grandmother came to their table. While she..............(take)their order for coffee,he................(put) a note in her pocket. 6.While the men .......................(have) coffee,my grandmother............(read)the note. 7.When she ..............(come) back into the restaurant ,the three doctors.............(leave). 8.When my grandfather.............(look)back into the restaurant ,my grandmother.........(write)'YES' on the window!

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1 answer

about 15 years ago

1.was studing ,was working 2.worked , 3. were ordering , was celebrating 4 was watching, was serving 5.was taking ,was putting 6.was having , was reading 7.came, left 8.looked ,wrote raczej jest dobrze


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