
1.Tak podoba im sie ta lekcja widac ze sa zaineresowani oprucz jednej osoby. 2.Nauczyciel powinien byc cierpliwy,uprzejmy.

+0 pkt.

Odpowiedzi: 3

about 15 years ago

1.Yes like for them, can see from this lesson are zaineresowani oprucz one person. 2.Teacher should be patient and courteous.


Skillful Odpowiedzi: 122 0 people got help
about 15 years ago

1. Yes, I enjoy that lesson, I see that they are some people/students who are interested in it, instead of one persone. I enjoy mozna zastapic takimi synonimami jak : I like, I'm keen on, I'm fond of. 2. The teacher sholud have be patient and nice/pleasant. tak ps. (bo to sie bardziej przyda) - pisze sie oprÓcz ;)


Beginner Odpowiedzi: 32 0 people got help
about 15 years ago

1. So like for them, can see from this lesson but are interested in one person. 2. Teachers should be patient and courteous.


Expert Odpowiedzi: 1198 0 people got help

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