Musze uzupelnić ponizszy tekst: Last year I went to......on holiday. I chose this place because.( opis dlaczego wybralam to miejsce.) I went there with........ We stayed in a hotel. The hotel was really ugly( opis dlaczego byl okropny) Our room was awful because( w skrócie dlaczego okropny) and the view from the window was terrible!( opis dlaczego paskudny widok z okna). we couldn't sleep at night because....... we had very strange neighbours. they( opis dlaczego) The food at the hotel was terrible!( opis dlaczego jedzenie było okropne) Then one day we had an accident.( opis wypadku) When we were returning home we had another accident(opis wypadku) Well, thast the worst holiday I have ever had! musze miec to na wtorek 16 marzec
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