hanah montana 34
napisz list odpowiadając na poniższe pytania ::: where are you ? do you like it there? what sport are you learning? how many hours a day do you practise? is the weather good? have you got any new friends? whad do you do in the evenings
+0 pkt.
Odpowiedzi: 2
Dear Kate, I'm in Kołobrzeg now. It's great. I'm learning windsurfing. I train it 3 hours per day. It's very sunny here. I met a lot of new friends and I meet with them every evening. I hope you're ok. See you next week, Agnieszka Jak chcesz coś jeszcze to napisz po polsku, a ja przetłumaczę.
Odpowiedzi: 932
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Dear Hannah Montana. I'm in Italy with my family. I'm swimming in the sea. I'm looking Pantenon.I'm buing lots of souvenirs. Ada
Odpowiedzi: 34
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