hanah montana 34

napisz list odpowiadając na poniższe pytania ::: where are you ? do you like it there? what sport are you learning? how many hours a day do you practise? is the weather good? have you got any new friends? whad do you do in the evenings

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about 16 years ago

Dear Kate, I'm in Kołobrzeg now. It's great. I'm learning windsurfing. I train it 3 hours per day. It's very sunny here. I met a lot of new friends and I meet with them every evening. I hope you're ok. See you next week, Agnieszka Jak chcesz coś jeszcze to napisz po polsku, a ja przetłumaczę.


Expert Odpowiedzi: 932 0 people got help
about 16 years ago

Dear Hannah Montana. I'm in Italy with my family. I'm swimming in the sea. I'm looking Pantenon.I'm buing lots of souvenirs. Ada


Beginner Odpowiedzi: 34 0 people got help

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