
WItam,czy ktoś mógłby sprawdzić mi mój e-mail ? :) z góry dziękuje Dear John, How are you ? I hope you're okay. I write to you because I want to tell you about my plans and I miss you. Next year I'm going to go Spain on holidays with my grandparents and my older brother. Behind 3 years I'm going to pass high-school certificite. I'm going to study tourism at university. I'm going to move to Wrocław or Poznań. Wrocław and Poznań are very beatiful citys. Behind 10 years I will have a big, happy family. I will have a handsome husband and 2 or 3 children. Behind 20 years I will live in a huge house in village with my family. I will have a well-paid job. See you again Ola

+0 pkt.

1 answer

about 10 years ago

certificate * citys = cities* zamiast i will have a handosme wstawiłaby i will marry handsome and have 2 or 3...


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